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School trips used to be the standard for most schools. However, with the pressure on accountability and the rise of social media, school trips are becoming increasingly rare.The value of a school trip goes far beyond what meets the eye. It is an opportunity for students to learn about something new and stretch their comfort zones in a safe environment.

A trip exposes students to new people, places, and things that they may not have had access to at school. School trips are also great opportunities for educators to see how their students react in unfamiliar situations. For example, if a student seems anxious or uncomfortable around other people or with new experiences or environments or just taking online tuitions; it could indicate some underlying issues that should be explored further. On the flip side, if they appear fearless and excited about new challenges, it can point towards potential career paths or areas of interest that may not have been previously identified.

Benefits Of School Trips

Students are increasingly growing up in a world surrounded by technology. One of the biggest issues with this is that they are missing out on critical real-life experiences that are necessary for their development. School trips help to bridge the gap between what they are learning in the classroom and what they will experience when they leave school. School trips allow students to apply the skills and knowledge they’ve been learning in the classroom to a real-world situation.

This type of experience is much more valuable than simply reading about something in a textbook. It is something they will remember for the rest of their lives. Not only do school trips provide students with valuable life experiences, but they also help build confidence, self-awareness, and social skills.

School trips put students in unfamiliar situations where they must think quickly, problem solve, and work with others. It is in these moments that students learn the most about themselves and what their strengths are.

·       Help Students Develop Confidence & Self-Awareness

Along with building confidence and self-awareness, school trips can help students develop greater self-awareness. This allows them to identify and understand their emotions and reactions to certain situations. It also gives them the opportunity to reflect on their choices and how they can positively impact the world around them. School trips not only give students the chance to explore new places, but they also allow them to explore and understand themselves better too. This is especially important for younger students who may not yet understand how their emotions affect their decision making.

·       Discover New Career Paths Or Areas Of Interest

Students may not always know what they want to do when they leave school. However, if they are given the right opportunities and experiences, they may begin to discover interests that they were previously unaware of. School trips give students the opportunity to try new things and explore various fields of interest with their classmates. They can learn from experts in the field and see what it is really like. School trips are excellent opportunities for students to discover new career paths or areas of interest that they would not have been exposed to otherwise.

·       Allow Students To Stretch Their Comfort Zones

Many people experience their greatest life lessons when they are outside of their comfort zones. School trips provide an excellent opportunity for students to leave their comfort zones and experience something new and challenging. There are many ways in which students can push their comfort zones. They could try new things, meet new people, try a new food, or visit a new place.

·       Promote Safety Awareness & Healthy Behaviour

With the rise in social media, many schools are cutting back on school trips to protect their reputations and avoid potential PR nightmares. While this is understandable, it is also short-sighted. School trips give educators the opportunity to reinforce healthy behaviour and a safety-first attitude amongst their students. They can also help students understand how their choices impact others. School trips provide educators with opportunities to speak with their students about issues such as cyberbullying, harassment, safe travel, and healthy eating.


School trips are an excellent way to provide students with real-life experiences that cannot be replicated in a classroom. They allow students to explore new places, try new things, and meet new people. School trips also provide educators with an opportunity to see how their students respond in uncomfortable situations and push their comfort zones. This can help them identify potential areas of interest and future careers that their students may not have previously been aware of.