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We have looked into the latest research on Fear of Heights and we’re happy that our Outdoor Activity Parks qualify as a perfect suggestion for beating Acrophobia.


Rule #1 : Don’t jump into the Deep End

If you suffer from Fear of Heights and have decided to tackle the issue, don’t follow the Urban Myth about “jumping into the deep end” in order to face your fear head-on. Anything too extreme (such as bungee-jumping, skydiving, paragliding or Club 31 in Cape Town) could trigger severe panic attacks and send you further back in your process. You could always book a day tour in Cape Town.

Rule #2: Tackle your Fears Gradually

Related to Rule #1, tackling your fears gradually means that once you are comfortable being a few feet over the ground, keep going up ! Acrobranch Adventure Courses are designed exactly that way: allowing you to experience Tree Top tours at heights you are comfortable with. You can start on one of the Acrobranch kids courses and over a few visits move to the more advanced ones.

Rule #3 : Be serene

Since you are dealing with a highly emotional physical response, best is to do it in a relaxing and fun environment. We reckon that being outdoors and surrounded by nature creates a serene setting that is most well suited for tackling Fear of Heights.


Rule #4 : Appeal to Logic

Logic can be used to appease and convince the acrophobe’s subconscious that the fear is totally irrational. Therefore, the ropes, harnesses and hooks that are part of the Acrobranch experience contribute in creating a feeling that, were you to fall, you are hooked and won’t be hurt.

Rule #5 : Don’t beat your Fear of Heights Alone

A friendly support group is recommended and with Acrobranch, members of your team are constantly there to encourage and support you. In other word, somebody has your back at every step of the Tree Top tour.

So if you have decided to tackle your fear of heights, and before you resort to therapy that will likely lead to medication, consider booking one of Acrobranch’s easiest Obstacle courses in Cape Town, the Garden Route, Johannesburg or Pretoria… Beating Acropohobia might just be the best thing you can do for yourself. Please contact us should you require further information on 086 999 0369.